The Route Object

A route object represents the state of the current active route. It contains parsed information of the current URL and the route records matched by the URL.

The route object is immutable. Every successful navigation will result in a fresh route object.

The route object can be found in multiple places:

  • Inside components as this.$route

  • Inside $route watcher callbacks

  • As the return value of calling router.match(location)

  • Inside navigation guards as the first two arguments:

    router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
      // `to` and `from` are both route objects
  • Inside the scrollBehavior function as the first two arguments:

    const router = new VueRouter({
      scrollBehavior (to, from, savedPosition) {
        // `to` and `from` are both route objects

Route Object Properties

  • $route.path

    • type: string

      A string that equals the path of the current route, always resolved as an absolute path. e.g. "/foo/bar".

  • $route.params

    • type: Object

      An object that contains key/value pairs of dynamic segments and star segments. If there are no params the value will be an empty object.

  • $route.query

    • type: Object

      An object that contains key/value pairs of the query string. For example, for a path /foo?user=1, we get $route.query.user == 1. If there is no query the value will be an empty object.

  • $route.hash

    • type: string

      The hash of the current route (with the #), if it has one. If no hash is present the value will be an empty string.

  • $route.fullPath

    • type: string

      The full resolved URL including query and hash.

  • $route.matched

    • type: Array<RouteRecord>

    An Array containing route records for all nested path segments of the current route. Route records are the copies of the objects in the routes configuration Array (and in children Arrays):

    const router = new VueRouter({
      routes: [
        // the following object is a route record
        { path: '/foo', component: Foo,
          children: [
            // this is also a route record
            { path: 'bar', component: Bar }

    When the URL is /foo/bar, $route.matched will be an Array containing both objects (cloned), in parent to child order.

  • $

    The name of the current route, if it has one. (See Named Routes)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""